Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

ZEEX, bringing cryptocurrency into the real economy and paving the way for direct payments through cryptocurrency.

To realize its vision of revolutionizing trade by combining cryptocurrency with daily consumption, Zeex has formulated three concrete and consecutive visions, namely: Tap, Engage, and Disturb.

Encouragement refers to overcoming what might be the biggest obstacle to widespread adoption and use of cryptocurrency - finally - turning cryptocurrency into a payment method for everyday goods and services. He did it by making cryptocurrency seamless and easily converted into gift cards and retail vouchers with the Zeex protocol. This solution brings cryptocurrency into the real economy and paves the way for direct payments through cryptocurrency.

Engaging involves integrating Zeex into the user's daily crypto wallet. After they can spend crypto as easily as other payment methods, the community will feel at home and feel comfortable. Attending vendor needs as well, Zeex offers exclusive fraud protection technology. Zeex also offers vendors the benefits they can find elsewhere with the same quality and quantity: data about how stores and cryptocurrency stores are held.

The final step is annoying, which in this case means bringing your own gift card to the blockchain. Given that gift cards only apply to other types of currencies - one vendor publishes them themselves - blockchain technology can change its usage and distribution as it is done with fiat currency. Disrupting means not only giving crypto holders access to the consumer market, but also giving vendors direct access to their customers who hold crypto.

To realize this vision, Zeex refers to a number of assets. Vitally, Zeex is the twin company of Zeek Group, the leading market in Europe for buying and selling gift cards, which maintains close relationships with branded retailers and has grown tenfold over the past two years. Collaboration with Zeek guarantees access to high demand supplies for early token buyers thanks to Zeek's commitment to the millions of dollar gift cards that make tokens immediately converted. In addition, the same leadership team that launched Zeek as a successful venture also developed Zeex, and Zeex also did it to secure stable funding from leading VC supporters and has developed a native application palette that is scheduled for fast availability on various platforms.

The core element of the Zeex solution is the ZIX token, which serves three main functions. First, the token functions as a login method, unlocking the door to the Zeex platform. Second, it is enough to determine who can do what and when the type of transaction is based on discounted rates and advertised offers. Third, this includes the transactional risk of the user until the trade is completed, eliminating the intermediary. These functions operate automatically thanks to the smart contract conditions embedded in the Zeex protocol.


Promising (but imperfect) market

Despite many advantages, fast propagation and revolutionary implications, cryptocurrency suffered significant losses. The first is the lack of fungibility: cryptocurrency has not been easily converted into goods and services that people really want.

Conversely, gift cards and vouchers, for example, are ready to be converted into goods and services. Indeed, that's their main goal. However, some losses also affect these vouchers, such as difficult transfers between holders because of the high risk of multiple fees, and the demand for gift cards exceeds supply.

Here, we describe this currency and the friction involved in changing them, the Zeex Protocol solves this problem by connecting cryptocurrency with the company's currency. Because corporate currency is not technically money, we can exchange it for cryptocurrency without going through fiat by using ZIX ERC20 tokens as collateral to verify transactions in real-time and eliminate costs, Zeex can and will solve problems quickly, efficiently and elegantly.

Here at Zeex, we have built a platform that allows you to use your crypto to buy goods without paying fees or replacing them to Fiat. Instead of rediscovering the wheel that composes ways to pay for items with cryptocurrency, Zeex decides to work with vendors using the currency they know best, a gift card. Yes, gift cards, even though we call them corporate currencies.

Zeex advantages

To realize its vision of revolutionizing trade by combining cryptocurrency with daily consumption, Zeex has formulated three concrete and consecutive visions, namely: Tap, Engage, and Disturb.

Encouragement refers to overcoming what might be the biggest obstacle to widespread adoption and use of cryptocurrency - finally - turning cryptocurrency into a payment method for everyday goods and services. He did it by making cryptocurrency seamless and easily converted into gift cards and retail vouchers with the Zeex protocol. This solution brings cryptocurrency into the real economy and paves the way for direct payments through cryptocurrency.

Engaging involves integrating Zeex into the user's daily crypto wallet. After they can spend crypto as easily as other payment methods, the community will feel at home and feel comfortable. Attending vendor needs as well, Zeex offers exclusive fraud protection technology. Zeex also offers vendors the benefits they can find elsewhere with the same quality and quantity: data about how stores and cryptocurrency stores are held.

The final step is annoying, which in this case means bringing your own gift card to the blockchain. Given that gift cards only apply to other types of currencies - one vendor publishes them themselves - blockchain technology can change its usage and distribution as it is done with fiat currency. Disrupting means not only giving crypto holders access to the consumer market, but also giving vendors direct access to their customers who hold crypto.

To realize this vision, Zeex refers to a number of assets. Vitally, Zeex is the twin company of Zeek Group, the leading market in Europe for buying and selling gift cards, which maintains close relationships with branded retailers and has grown tenfold over the past two years. Collaboration with Zeek guarantees access to high demand supplies for early token buyers thanks to Zeek's commitment to the millions of dollar gift cards that make tokens immediately converted. In addition, the same leadership team that launched Zeek as a successful venture also developed Zeex, and Zeex also did it to secure stable funding from leading VC supporters and has developed a native application palette that is scheduled for fast availability on various platforms.

The core element of the Zeex solution is the ZIX token, which serves three main functions. First, the token functions as a login method, unlocking the door to the Zeex platform. Second, it is enough to determine who can do what and when the type of transaction is based on discounted rates and advertised offers. Third, this includes the transactional risk of the user until the trade is completed, eliminating the intermediary. These functions operate automatically thanks to the smart contract conditions embedded in the Zeex protocol.

Utility Token

Zeex will offer the lifetime priority of ZIX token owners for corporate currencies discounted above other users, based on the offer catalog

Among other utilities, ZIX token owners will have the right to:

Priority - When there is more demand than a very desirable asset supply, Zix token owners will have priority over other users to secure assets.
Zix Tokens promise not to wait long for transactions to be deleted, their tokens will be used as collateral to ensure immediate settlement.
Owners of Zix Login tokens will have the ability to enter Zeex safely and anonymously use their tokens.

Soft Cap: 14M USD

Hard Cap: 23 million USD

Cost: 1ETH = 5,000 ZIX

Token Sales Date: Q3 / 2018

Minimum contribution amount: 100 USD at ETH

Token contract address:

Token Allocation & Usage Allocation




visit the link below for more information:

JN Thread:

by: alzisyah
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1489466


Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

منصة Game4me ، يمكن استخدامها في عمليات الشراء عبر الإنترنت وغير متصل.

Gem4me Market Space هو أول منصة عالمية للتجارة الإلكترونية العالمية اللامركزية التي تستخدم تقنيات متقدمة مثل الدردشة الذكية ، وتكنولوجيا blockchain ، والأجهزة الذكية fintech ، والذكاء الاصطناعي. تمكّن أحدث التقنيات المنصة بالطرق التالية.

Smart Chatbots - تساعد المدونات الذكية على أتمتة العمليات وتبسيطها.

تقنية Blockchain - تساعد تقنية Blockchain في تحقيق اللامركزية وضمان شفافية المنصة. أيضا زيادة الأمن وخفض تكاليف المعاملات.

الذكاء الاصطناعي - هذا هو دماغ المنصة ويحسن فعالية العمليات مع الحد من التدخل البشري في العمليات.

تم دمج منصة Gem4me مع برنامج messenger وتم تطويرها على منصات الرسائل العامة من الجيل التالي التي يستخدمها 5 ملايين مستخدم في 50 دولة. يمكن للمستخدمين Gem4me التمتع بالمزايا التالية.

إمكانية إنشاء وتشغيل أي حجم التخزين.

إمكانية تقديم الخدمات أيضا.

يمكن إنشاء متاجر بآلاف المنتجات المسجلة والدردشة الافتراضية.

من السهل تحديد المنتجات ذات الصلة بين آلاف المنتجات.

لا يوجد حد.

القدرة على شراء المنتجات المادية عن طريق الدفع بالعملة الرقمية.

لقد تمكن Gem4me من تمييز نفسه عن المنصات التنافسية الأخرى بسبب الميزات التالية.

إمكانية إنشاء متاجر إلكترونية ذات علامات تجارية.

دعم عالمي للمعلنين.

نظام تسوية بسيط عبر الحدود.

أمان عالي وشفافية.

دعم الهجرة لأصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة في الانتقال إلى المنصة.

متعدد الوظائف.

خدمة تبادل التشفير المقرب في العالم.

يسمح بالاتصال المباشر بين المشترين.

دعم متعدد اللغات.

تستخدم Gem4me الرموز المميزة لـ Gemme Coin (GMC) كرموز مميزة أصلية إلى النظام الأساسي. ويدعم GMC من قبل شبكة ethereum ويقدم ميزات مختلفة لمستخدميها. بعض منهم يرد أدناه.

يمكن استخدامها في عمليات الشراء عبر الإنترنت وغير متصل.

يمكن استخدامه كطريقة دفع لخدمات المنصة مثل التمويل والإعلان ، إلخ.

يمكن استخدامها في الاشتراك في الخدمات المختلفة.

سيتم إصدار 700 مليون رمز مميز بين المشاركين في النظام وسيبلغ كل رمز مميز 0.1 دولار أمريكي. تتوافق GMC tokens بشكل كبير مع العملات الأخرى ويمكن شراؤها باستخدام BTC و ETH و DASH و BCC و LTC و XRP و XRM و USD من خلال البنوك. المبيعات الخاصة مفتوحة الآن وستبقى مفتوحة حتى 30 يونيو 2018. سيتم فتح باب البيع قبل البيع في 1 يوليو 2018 وبعد الإغلاق ، سيبدأ المكتب الرئيسي في 15 أغسطس 2018.

قامت Gem4me بتطبيق فريق إداري ذو خبرة عالية يتألف من خبراء مؤهلين وذوي خبرة عالية في مجالات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والقانون والتمويل والتكنولوجيا والتداول عبر الإنترنت والتسويق. ما يلي هو وصف موجز للمؤسسين.

المحفظة الذكية

أنظمة الدفع لتخزين وتبادل وإدارة الأصول المالية في العملات الورقية والعملات المشفرة ، والتحقق من الهوية ، ونظم التقييم ، فضلا عن القدرة على المشاركة في برامج الائتمان والولاء.

خدمات Crypto / Fiat:

يسمح لك لتنفيذ عمليات القبول والانسحاب وتخزين وتبادل الأصول المالية في شركة فيات والتشفير. لمزيد من المعلومات حول هذه الخدمة ، راجع الكتاب الأبيض §7.2.

Crypto CashBack Service:

مزيد من التحفيز المشترين على تكرار الشراء. لمزيد من المعلومات حول الخدمات ، راجع الكتاب الأبيض §7.3.


GMC-رمز يوسع قدرات تشفير خدمة / فيات: هذه ليست فقط وسيلة للدفع، ولكن أيضا التحقق من الهوية كاملة، وتقييم الجدارة الائتمانية للمشتري والبائع.

إشارات تشفير التجارة التحليلية:

سوف تتيح للعملاء لتلقي إشارات من المتداولين المحترفين لشراء وبيع أنواع رئيسية من العملة التشفير. هذه الخدمة مفيدة للمبتدئين واللاعبين المحترفين في السوق. اقرأ المزيد حول الخدمات في White Paper §7.4.

عملة قلمي

عملة تشفير داخلية من غرفة السوق Gem4me والقدرة

Gemme كوين (اختصار السوق GMC) هو أداة مساعدة لرمز النظم الإيكولوجية Gem4me الفضاء سوق ل، مما يتيح للمستخدمين الوصول إلى منصة لاستخدام وظيفة. تم تصميم سوق الفضاء Gem4me الهندسة المعمارية وطريقة استخدام الرموز GMC مع التركيز على تأمين أموالهم. Gemme Coin - in White Paper § 9.

معلومات الرمز المميز

رمز المنفعة = الاسم

اختصارا Gemme =

GMC Platform = Ethereum ERC20

ماكس. عدد الرموز المميزة = 12،876،500،000

Cryptocurrency المستلم = BTC ، ETH ، DASH ، BCC ، LTC ، XRP ، XMR

FIAT مقبولة = USD

طابع ناعم = $ 3،000،000

توزيع الرموز

بيع الرمز المميز = 7،000،000،000 - 54٪

بونص = 2،000،000،000 - 16 ٪

الفريق = 1،365،000،000 - 11٪

الشركاء والمستشارون = 910،000،000 - 7٪

الاحتياطيات = 910،000،000 - 7٪

برنامج باونتي = 591،500،000 - 5٪


الكمية: 7،000،000،000 GMC

بداية من 15.08.2018

الانتهاء: 20.09.2018


يوم 1-7 10٪

الايام 8-14 7.5 ٪

في 15-21 يومًا 5٪

في 22-28 يومًا 2.5٪

في 29-37 يومًا 1٪

مزيد من المعلومات:

لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بالموقع أدناه::

ANN Thread:

اسم المؤلف: alzisyah5

لمحة عن ملف BITCOINTALK:;u=1489466

عنوان ETH: 0x1e0AB07E9063bB9e3Cea277D49238bDeA6f372F1

Jumat, 27 Juli 2018

HUMANCOIN - >> is a new ecommerce cryptocurrency driven by the Proof of Charity mining protocol. Please join us.

Humancoin is a revolutionary platform that brings synergy to the philanthropic industry, retail e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, which together have a combined value of $ 3.5 trillion.
Buy now
Repurchase three times 5x Selling Price Token after launch!
MVP is ready
$ 833 981
$ 1 million
Buy tokens now and earn 50% bonus
CEO interview
Latest Updates

Why have Humancoin?
Humancoin tokens can be easily converted into points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be given an incentive to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a stable long-term token request
As the number of partners and scope of cooperation within the HumancoT Network grows, so does the popularity of tokens
The concept of "mining" Evidence from Charity allows the project to reach the scale of hundreds and thousands of times
Humancoin's unique feature
This is the first blockchain project that has the potential to become an aggregator of global e-commerce loyalty programs
The association with philanthropy provides its token a unique advantage in developing a loyalty program with partners that creates a strong emotional resonance
Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is easily integrated into existing systems - all it takes is conversion rate settings

... Blockchain can reduce or even eliminate the needs of third parties (long chain banks, NGOs, government agencies, law firms and so on). Blockchain can simplify the development of direct delivery platforms on a much larger scale.

The Charitable Aid Foundation, 'Blockchain, DAO and future decentralization of charities' 2017
Why Humancoin is a breakthrough blockchain project?
Humancoin brings together philanthropists and funders on one P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way.

The blockchain platform triggered by the "mined" Humancoin token will breathe new life into the charity industry, which proves the growth engine.

While at the same time becoming a major global loyalty program for the increasing number of partners in e-commerce.

How it works

Market Spotlight

$ 750 bln
Every third person on Earth gives charity

$ 2 300 bln
Ecommerce Retail
70% of major brands are interested in the image of socially responsible companies

$ 300-900 bln
75% of big business do charity work

Problem: lack of trust

Doubts about whether the contribution will reach the recipient in full and on time, and lack of trust in charity

High operational costs of transactions, the complexity of cross-border payments, and dealing with regulatory bodies

Inability to see additional benefits for making donations
The greatest competition in e-commerce with the most pressing challenge is retaining existing customers.

Solution: Humancoin is the currency of goodness
Blockchain solves trust issues by providing transparency, search, and security
Donors can quickly donate worldwide, monitor their spending online, receive benefits from platform partners
E-commerce symbiosis and cryptocurrency will facilitate an increase in the number of donors
Among the project partners are large online stores, service businesses, games and entertainment industries, airlines, cryptoexchanges, international companies, regardless of whether they operate with cryptocurrency or not.

Bonus Structure of Token Sales
On sale
3 055 000 000
Bonus 50%
150 000 000
Sales Token
Stage 1
35% bonus
945 000 000
Sales Token
Phase 2
20% bonus
960 000 000
Sales Token
Stage 3
0% bonus
1 000 000 000
2017 - Q1 2018
development of the project idea
establishment of the core team and the pool of early backers
сonsultations with the charity community and experts on loyalty rewards
final shaping of the team
Q2 2018
start social media and PR campaign
preparations for the Token Sale
Q3 2018
Token Sale
development of the platform and expansion of the team
preliminary negotiations with the program partners
conclusion of agreements with anchor charitable foundations
Q4 2018
completion of the Token Sale and listing on cryptoexchanges
launch of the charity platform in beta
conclusion of agreements with
e-commerce partners
completion of the establishment of the legal structure
Q1-Q2 2019
the platform enters operation
collection of funds for charities and distribution of tokens to benefactors further development of the platform
Q3-Q4 2019
full functionality of the platform
extension of the list of
e-commerce partners
extension of the list of charitable foundations
Strategic planning and budgeting 2018-2019 *

For more information, please visit:

name: alzisyah5
Bitcointalk URL:

Senin, 23 April 2018

Who is the founder of Invox Finance ..? , a decentralized global interface user interface interface

Best wishes, I will discuss about Alex who is one of the founders of Invox Finance - a decentralized, inter-fellow-to-peer global interface user interface platform for the invoice industry that will enable sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to connect, interact , share, and distribute information directly (

What is Invox Finance?
Simply put, invox fincance is an invoice financing platform in blockchain. But herein lies the invox, "real-world experience". The founders have years of experience running successful invoice financing companies in Australia - ABR Finance Pty Ltd. Since 2012 they have funded AUD $ 30 million for medium and small businesses.

What is invoice financing?
Bill financing is when a seller issues an invoice to a buyer who will pay an invoice at a later date. But if the seller needs money faster, they can sell the invoice to a financier and earn money now. In this way, the seller has sufficient cash flow. Intern, the buyer will pay directly to the financiers. Everyone wins !!! The seller gets the money faster, the buyer has time to pay invoices and the investor gets a profit by giving the seller a little less than the invoice is valued in the form of a fee.

Financial Platform
available in the Legal section of this paper. As part of the platform development, appropriate advice will be obtained for applicable regulatory and licensing requirements and any necessary licenses will be sought.

How Invox Financial Platform solves the problem?
The Invox Finance platform is a decentralized cross-border invoice loan platform that will allow sellers, buyers, investors, and other service providers to directly connect, interact, share and distribute information. The platform aims to create an environment of mutual trust by facilitating transparency between parties and satisfactory performance.
This platform will disrupt and revolutionize traditional invoice financing by implementing a system where trust and transparency between all parties is developed through the rewards system it contains. In addition, transaction implementation and information flow will not rely on a single centralized service provider, but rather governed by a set of transparent rules applied to a fully distributed ledger.

Who will use our system?
- Investors seek higher returns and diversify their investment portfolios.
- Sellers that have invoices they want to sell to accelerate their cash flow.
- Buyers who will receive an invoice payment period are updated and rewarded for verifying the invoice.

Do system users need to know anything about blockchain?
No, the user interface on the Invox Finance Platform creates a seamless user experience. Specifically, the user interface will allow all payments to be made in fiat currency by utilizing our partner banking API.

What is Invox Token?
Invox Tokens will be created on the Ethereum network using the ERC-20 standard and will have the following utilities:
- providing access to the platform through the Trusted Members Program; and
- Job rewards done for the platform. This means the system will reward buyers and sellers with Invox Tokens for invoice verification, invoice payment and settlement.
Your key to the Token platform with real-world usage cases made on the Ethereum network.
1. Use Case:
- Access: Join the platform as a seller by holding Token Invox.
- Rewards: Get a gift in Invox Token every time you verify or pay an invoice.
- Cost: Invox Tokens are used by sellers and investors to pay their respective fees for access.
2. Token Type: Utility token
3. Token Ticker: INVOX
4. Emission Level: No new coins will be made after ICO.
5. Token Network: Ethereum (ERC20)
6. Distribution: Tokens will be distributed 14 days after the token sale expires.
7. Token Value: 1 ETH = 10,000 INVOX + any bonus.

Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 19.40.25.png

How can I get involved?
We raise funds to develop systems, market services and build communities. The founding team will invest more than $ 500,000 AUD in cash upon completion of the ICO. Invox Finance intends to offer Invent Tokens to institutional and retail investors to help fund the evolution of invoice financing. You can also earn
involved with joining the Invox Finance community and participating in the rewards program.

Why should I participate in Initial Coins Offer?
Invox Token will grant the right of its holder to access the Invox Finance Platform through the Trusted Members Program.
By participating in the two-stage ICO Invox Finance, you will be provided with
opportunity to get Invox Token at a discount.



How are our ICOs run?
ICO is run in two parts with a bonus system that rewards participants in pre-ICO
as well as during ICO itself. For more information please visit the website below:

My ETH: 0x1e0AB07E9063bB9e3Cea277D49238bDeA6f372F1

Selasa, 17 April 2018

has now been present .. (Goldiam) is a pioneer of the future in mining and gold diamond with advanced technology based on blockchain. Join us, Goldiam ...!

From time to time, thirst for gold makes people do crazy acts, embark on an adventure. This metal is like sunlight, without which life on this planet is impossible. He also warms our hearts and supports the flame of desire about the acquisition of new ornaments.

has now been present .. Goldiam is a pioneer in the future in mining and gold diamond with advanced technology based on blockchain. With Goldiam, you can purchase original gold and diamonds and ship them directly to you with the appropriate certificates. Such transactions are safe because of blockchain technology.

please see video in goldiam worked?

Gold is a precious metal, a search that began to be practiced centuries ago. Apparently this is a totally useless metal, but it's because of him that blood continues to be shed to this day. People want to get gold in bulk, because this is a clear sign of human welfare and well-being.

The GoldiamBox wallet allows you to get a token by not doing anything. All you need to do is hold the token for a minimum period of - 1 month, and you will receive a reward. Goldiam rewards users for every token and prizes will be available soon. Thus, you will have some way of generating profits from the investment. You can benefit from gold and diamond / get gold tokens. Also, you can store your assets in Goldiambox wallet and get additional Goldiam tokens every month.

With the GlobUnion platform, companies can allow users to send or receive Goldiam tokens. So no matter which part of the world you are in, you can get or send tokens to anyone you want.

Goldiam Features:

Transfer of money.
With our GlobUnion platform, you can send and receive money from any part of the world anytime in the world.
Monthly fees for asset owners.
Generate coins without doing anything. Save your coins and get a monthly gift in your wallet.
Shipping gold or diamond net.
With Goldiam, you can withdraw gold or diamond anytime, but take them to your door with a license and all the necessary things.
Goldiam protects your precious assets.

Goldiam Coin:

Goldiam Coin comes with some useful features for its users. GOL will be used for all transactions in Goldiam. GOL Coins will be used for payment to purchase Gold and / or Diamond (s). Using GOL, you will be able to invest in Goldiam box wallets that can generate extra coins for you. All you need is to have some GOL and you will be ready to invest in Gold and / or Diamond.

Use Goldiam token (GOL):
Goldiam Coin offers some useful features for its users. GOL will be used for all transactions in Goldiam. GOL coins will be used for payment for the purchase of gold and / or diamond (s). By using GOL, you can invest in the Goldiam box, which can give you additional coins. All you need is to have some sort of GOL, and you'll all be set to invest in Gold or Diamond.

Goldiam Smart Card
- Mutual authentication
For applications that require secure card access, Goldiam's smart card can verify that the reader is genuine and can authenticate itself to the reader before initiating a secure transaction.
- Safe & Reliable
Full transparency and enhanced security thanks to user data chain block protection, transactions, and brand information.
- Replace Fiat Money
No need to carry cash and credit cards wherever you go. Pay with Goldiam Smart Card whenever you want.
- Instant Payments
Now pay directly with our Goldiam card, at your favorite store and brand.

Q4 2017: Preparing ICO project
Q1 2018: Pre Sale, Pre-ICO
Q2 2018: Main ICO, Launch of Goldman Blockchain, Calypsum Wallet and Goldiambox Wallet, Goldiam List at Stock
Signed Legal Agreement For Gold Trading And Physical Diamonds
Q3 2018: Start mobile platform and app to attract Gold and Diamond (s), Smart Goldiam Builder, Launch "GlobUnion" smart contract solution on goldche blockchain
Q4 2018: Sign a contract with VISA / MASTERCARD company, Smart Goldiam Exchange
Q1 2019: Goldiam hardware wallet
Q2 2019: Smart + ATM Application Shopping contract
Q3 2019: Deploy intelligent "Open heart" contract on Goldiam blockchain, Goldiam Cryptocurrency Exchange.

The team consists of knowledgeable individuals with strong knowledge of blockchain development, Security, investment and entrepreneurship. Some of them include:

For more information, see the links below:

My Bitcointalk Profile:

My ETH: 0x1e0AB07E9063bB9e3Cea277D49238bDeA6f372F1 - 서비스의 각 유형에 대한 고정 요금, 합리적이고 투명한 서비스 요금 금액.

독자들을위한 eCoinomic 프로젝트를 소개합니다.

eCoinomic : 암호화 리소스를 기반으로하는 금융 서비스 플랫폼입니다. 온라인 지불 서비스 및 시스템과의 융자, 교환, 이체, 재무 관리 및 통합 기능을 사용자에게 제공하고 총 서비스 수수료는 각 서비스 유형 및 고정적이고 합리적이며 투명하게 설정됩니다.

프로젝트 정보 :
eCoinomic은 암호화 소유자에게 금융 서비스를 제공하는 새로운 플랫폼입니다.
방법 : 투자 및 자산 관리, 교환, 이체 및 모기지
사용자와 파트너 프로젝트 간의 합의.
각 플랫폼 사용자는 최적의 서비스 체인 *을 선택하여 최대한의 이점을 얻을 수 있습니다.
잠재적 암호 해독 성 :
공식 통화 및 암호 화를 기반으로 한 보안 및 무담보 대출
피아트 통화 및 암호화 통화에 대한 단기 및 단기 투자
암호화 자산에 대한 환율 위험 헤지 기법
금융 거래, 교환, 보증 관리
eBay 및 Amazon과 같은 온라인 거래 플랫폼에서 디지털 통화로 상품 및 서비스에 대한 지불
피아트 머니 거래, 암호화 리소스가 지원하는 가상 카드 제거

플랫폼의 유지 보수 및 개발은 CNC 토큰으로 만 지불 된 서비스 요금을 통해 실현됩니다.
서비스의 총 비용은 각 유형의 서비스에 대해 설정되며 합리적이고 투명합니다.

6 eCoinomic 플랫폼의 강점

eCoinomic 플랫폼은 담보로 허용됩니다.
BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH + TOP10 암호 해독.
대출금은 USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY로 지급됩니다.

피아트 돈 거래 속도
내부 결제 대행사의 도움을 받아 자금 소요 시간은 몇 분 밖에 걸리지 않습니다.

가격 모니터링 시스템
이 시스템은 암호화 된 데이터를 기반으로 매분마다 보증 값을 확인합니다.

보안 및 투명성
현명한 계약은 담보 자산을 막거나, 반환하거나, 청산하는 절차를 수립합니다.

보험 준비금
그것은 크고 작은 투자자를위한 프로젝트의 매력을 높이도록 설계되었습니다.

완전한 기능을 갖춘 알파 버전
사전 판매 테스트가 가능할 것입니다.

모두를위한 혜택

암호화 된 소유자의 경우
cryptocurrency를 높은 성장률을 제공하는 중장기 투자로 구입하는 사람.
상품 및 서비스 (예 : 광부)에 대한 지불로 암호화 자산을받는 사람;
단기 자금이 필요한 창업 및 자금;

투자자를 위해

소득을 창출하기 위해 금융 자원을 할당하는 민간 부문 투자자;

기관 투자가는 수익성이 높고 위험이 낮은 수단에 매력을 느낍니다.

이제는 통화 위험으로부터 자신을 보호하고 사업 확장을위한 암호화 자원의 잠재력을 십분 활용해야 할 때입니다.

작동 원리

대출 금액
최소 $ 200 - 최대 $ 10,000
사용자가 대출 한 금액에는 제한이 없습니다.
대출 기간
최소 1 일 - 최대 30 일
다음 연장 가능
다른 질문이 있으십니까?
이메일 주소 입력


2020 년 : IPO 준비 및 시행
Q3-4 2019 : 플랫폼 내의 엔터프라이즈 제품 및 스마트 계약 개발 서비스 제공
합작 투자 프로젝트 및 벤처 캐피탈 펀드를 시작하는 기능 추가
Q1-2 2019 : 가상 카드 문제
대형 거래 플랫폼과의 연결
부대 활동의 관리 기능을 통한 교류 개시
Q4 2018 : 글로벌 마케팅 캠페인
플랫폼 출시
다국어 사용자 인터페이스 사용자 정의
2018 년 3/4 분기 : 라이센스 취득, 다양한 관할권을위한 솔루션 개발
전용 결제 에이전트 시작
기술 및 법률 감사
Q2 2018 : ICO를 01.05.2018에서 31.05.20로 변경
파트너십 구축, 자금 창출, 프로젝트 상용화
교환에 포함되어 완벽한 작업 그룹을 만들고 소프트웨어 개발
2018 년 1 분기 : 2018 년 3 월 15 일 프로젝트 프리젠 테이션 실현
알파 버전 출시
법률 및 기술 준비


우리 팀은 은행 및 신용 상품을 다루면서 경제 분야에서 오랜 세월의 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
우리는 두 시장의 합병을 가로막는 장애물 인 피아트 화폐와 크립토크론을 알고 있습니다. 따라서 2018 년 현재의 법률 및 기술 프레임 워크에서 작동 할 수있는 플랫폼을 구현할 계획입니다.

2005 법률 및 회계 서비스, 재무 컨설팅 및 감사.
2009 소프트웨어 개발 서비스 및 통신 시스템.
2010 정보 기술 분야의 컨설팅 및 감사; 통계 데이터를 수집하고 처리하는 서비스.
2012 시장 조사, 비즈니스 프로세스 자동화, 은행 부문의 첫 번째 주문.
2013 금융 회사 그룹 회원이 되십시오. 소프트웨어 제품의 개선.
2015 eCoinomic 아이디어의 기원; 블록 크레인 연구를 수행하여 기존의 크립토크스를 평가합니다.

2017 워킹 그룹 창설, 플랫폼 개념 개발 및 대출 상품의 원형.



더 읽기 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::

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저자 : alzisyah5
BTT :;u=1489466

ETH : 0x1e0AB07E9063bB9e3Cea277D49238bDeA6f372F1

Rabu, 11 April 2018

G-Global offre molte opportunità agli investitori che consentono loro di esplorare le parti più profonde delle grandi opportunità esistenti.


Salve Se sei un fan di blockchain e investitori, devi aver sentito parlare di una società G-global. Si tratta di un ecosistema basato su blockchain sviluppato che offre molte opportunità agli investitori che consentono loro di esplorare le parti più profonde delle vaste opportunità là fuori. Questo ecosistema apre la strada per sbloccare varie attività in un'industria blockchain professionalmente selezionata per promuovere crescita, stabilità e sviluppo. Hanno creato un'incubazione interna che ha avviato l'industria della blockchain come centro per lo sviluppo delle loro idee. Usano risorse sufficienti, capitale iniziale, supporto tecnico, personale e assistenza legale e alla fine forniscono un ampio mercato per prodotti validi da questo settore che sono sponsorizzati usando l'ICO.

G-vantaggio globale

La maggior parte dei sistemi esistenti seleziona solo alcuni esperti che offrono opportunità, ma l'obiettivo principale della piattaforma G-Global è trovare investitori competenti e potenziali che abbiano grandi idee e offrano loro opportunità di costruire e crescere. È una piattaforma di lavoro per individui e gruppi di talento. La piattaforma offre meccanismi, consulenze e consente l'interazione per scopi di sviluppo.

È meglio che l'ecosistema si basi su principi motivazionali in cui la struttura dell'interazione è praticata nel protocollo di determinazione. Il sistema è là fuori per facilitare i giovani talenti, ma non per competere o per cercare di eliminare altre piattaforme che fungono da intermediari.

G-Global Innovations

La piattaforma G-Global opera su un sistema decentralizzato che rappresenta una nuova generazione in grado di sviluppare un ecosistema senza un server centrale, eliminando qualsiasi restrizione o giurisdizione che incoraggi la libertà di eseguire operazioni senza interruzioni.

L'ecosistema funziona con software open source integrato per garantire l'automazione delle informazioni laddove non può essere modificato o eliminato in alcun modo. Incoraggia l'indipendenza e la stabilità in modo che il sistema sia sicuro e affidabile, motivo per cui l'avvio guadagna fiducia nel sistema.

Gli utenti che necessitano di servizi esperti saranno in grado di ottenere l'esperto desiderato in tempo. Il protocollo utilizzato valuterà gli esperti e classificherà utilizzando contratti Ethereum basati su smart. Gli algoritmi interni quindi li classificano e gli esperti di alto rango saranno classificati nella posizione più alta, consentendo loro di ricevere molti degli ordini che possono rispondere che mostrano la loro offerta di servizi tramite la stessa piattaforma.

Gli ecosistemi utilizzano l'archiviazione dei dati Hash più sicura e non consentono alle sezioni di apportare modifiche o modifiche. Tutte le transazioni, le operazioni e le azioni intraprese verranno registrate e archiviate su un sistema distribuito utilizzando il protocollo IPFS e distribuite pubblicamente sulla piattaforma ethereum.

Agli utenti verrà chiesto di creare il proprio account dove saranno in grado di accedere alle informazioni di cui hanno bisogno e la chiave RSA verrà utilizzata per collegare il portafoglio di utenti in cui il contratto intelligente inserito nel portafoglio utente registrerà tutte le attività dell'utente e le transazioni sulla piattaforma. Attraverso l'integrazione di tutte le tecnologie blockchain, l'ecosistema G-Global trarrà vantaggio da operazioni ininterrotte e affidabili nei mercati in cui gli esperti saranno in grado di interagire efficacemente con i clienti.

G-Global ICO

ICO opera sull'unico token G-Global rilasciato durante il processo ICO. Questo token è solitamente basato sullo standard Ethhereum ethereum blockchain. Il G-Global Token costituisce la base di tutte le transazioni in cui al completamento di ogni transazione, il costo del servizio a pagamento informa solo i token G-Global del portafoglio clienti. Cambiamenti costanti di costi con modifiche al token corrente, quindi è importante capire come funzionano i calcoli perché sono un principio di base sulla piattaforma e anche garantire che la liquidità dei token sia disponibile per le transazioni e le negoziazioni. Si tratta di un ampio mercato che consentirà agli esperti di aggiornare le proprie competenze e, allo stesso tempo, i potenziali investitori avranno l'opportunità di espandere la propria attività e espandersi a livello globale.

Infine, se sei un appassionato dell'industria blockchain e hai una grande idea, hai bisogno di assistenza di esperti o anche di supporto finanziario che includa l'incubazione, ma non hai alcuna idea, quindi G-Global è l'ecosistema di cui hai bisogno. Hai solo bisogno di visitare il sito ufficiale all'indirizzo dove trovi tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno, registrati e hai il tuo account e inizia a imparare da professionisti che possono aiutarti a realizzare i tuoi sogni.

vendite di token

Data pre-CITIC: 13.03.2018-05.05.2018
segnale di prezzo per Pre-ICO: 0,0001 ETH
numero di token nel pre-CIU: 0 - 19,99 milioni GGP
-Buy Token GGP:

guarda e studia il video qui sotto per conoscere alcune informazioni G-Global:







ETH WALLET me: 0x1e0AB07E9063bB9e3Cea277D49238bDeA6f372F1

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